Offer Research Partnership

Caregiver search

Profile: Other|Ref:PSL 422937YH | Country: France | Export: No


Hello we are a non-profit legal association, based in Cameroon and France, we are looking for a family health center of the Cameroon Diabetes Association, Cameroon antenna a retired doctor, or retirees health wanting to discover Cameroon , against exchange of housing and other services, and also for a merger and partnership that can lead to a salary for anyone who accepts this, given many poorly treated ills in Cameroon such as diabetes and several other diseases. your proposals, are welcome.
Ps: please contact us:
France: 06-07-02-08-73
Cameroon: 00237-655-71-25-27

What is asked

Medical equipment, nursing staff

What is provided

accommodation, associative salary, nutrition, or 50/100 partnership

Type d'offre : Recherche
Nature du partenariat : Apport d'équipement


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